The Cultural Association Castillo de Gardeny is the result of the sum of concerns on the part of a group of people from the field of culture, art, politics, education and society of Lleida in general, for the past and the future of our artistic, historical and cultural heritage and, especially for the Gardeny Castle and its surroundings.
The association wants to promote and promote knowledge and dissemination of all aspects of Gardeny Castle, the entire hill and its surroundings, both at local, regional, regional, national, state and international levels. With the purpose of spreading its past and present and projecting its importance towards the future; with the intention of twinning the Turó de Gardeny with that of the Seu Vella of Lleida for the monumental character they share and for their very significant role in the history of Lleida. With the desire to contribute to the artistic, historical, archaeological, architectural, cultural, social study of Gardeny Castle and its surroundings and area of influence. With the idea of promoting and sponsoring the reconstruction of the monumental complex and its surroundings. With the will to dignify it to defend and protect it and to contribute to its revitalization; with the intention of obtaining financial and other aid and support from public organizations and institutions, as well as associations, entities, companies or citizens individually considered for the reconstruction, and progressive and orderly rehabilitation of the monumental complex and its surroundings and cooperate and col • work with the owners, administrators, etc ... of the monumental complex of the castle and the environment in order to carry out those actions that represent a benefit.

We are convinced that the Castle of Gardeny is one of the most emblematic points of the city of Lleida. Its history, firmly linked to the past of our city and its surroundings, is a key piece of our idiosyncrasy. The Romans and the Templars left their mark on the Turó de Gardeny, and their history and legend also developed in Gardeny. Cultures such as the Iberian and Islamic also passed. And as the dominating hill of its surroundings and guard of the Vella headquarters it has to participate in historical events as important as the reapers' war, the Succession, the Independence and the Civil War modeling what we know today as the Gardeny hill and, in his domain, the castle of Gardeny.